Fancy food & great company:)

Hi beauties, Shreya here! Hope you are all having a great Saturday and are finding some time to relax and chill out. What do you guys like to do on the weekends? Do you prefer to have some alone time or be out and about with your squad? Or maybe a mixture of both? Let me know in the comments below:)

Today my best friend and I decided to go to have a late lunch in a  cute little cafe in one of our favourite malls. The cafe was just beautiful…there was something to see no matter where you looked! I ordered a light meal that consisted of toasted ciabatta bread with avocado, salmon and cherry tomatoes on top, and let me tell you…it was probably one of the most delicious things I’ve ever eaten! (I will definitely try and recreate this recipe!) Here’s a pic of you want to see what it looked like.


Being a major foodie, this was another cafe ticked of my long list of unique places to eat. Do you have a list of places you want to eat at? Or am I just a weird food obsessed person? Let me know in the comments…I love hearing from you guys, it makes my day complete:)

Anyways, after lunch we bumped into some more friends with whom we just kind of went around the shops. After major window shopping and endless amounts of laughter, we decided to call it a day. But not before treating ourselves with some brownies! My friend had a salted caramel brownie and I stuck to my favourite…chocolate and macadamia!

So that was basically what I got up to today:) It was a pretty chill day but so much fun! What are your plans for the weekend? Let me know if you enjoy reading posts like this and if so, I will definitely post more:)

Happy Saturday loves!

Signing off,

Shreya xx


  1. lifewithdannielle · April 9, 2016

    That looks soooo good! By the way, I nominated you for the Happiness Tag! :) x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. TeaLily · April 10, 2016

    I just discovered your bog and I love it ! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. TeaLily · April 10, 2016

    Whoops **blog** ahahahha

    Liked by 1 person

  4. happyalexx · April 12, 2016

    This food looks so lovely! And I’m glad you had a wonderful day! At weekends, I like to have some time to relax by myself :)

    Liked by 1 person

    • pastelorchid · April 12, 2016

      Ooh that’s basically me almost ever weekend! I feel like it’s the only time you can really just spend time with yourself and reflect on the events of the past week!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. robinblueblog · April 18, 2016

    oh sounds like you had a very fun saturday! those browines sound very yummy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • pastelorchid · April 18, 2016

      Ohh yes they were delicious! I had so much fun hanging out with my best friend…what did you do on the weekend?


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